Retrospelsfestivalen 2017!

Last weekend I visited Retrospelsfestivalen in Malmö. A retro gaming convention in the south of Sweden that is now running for the fourth year in a row. This year they had changed the venue to a place called Inkonst. I really liked this new venue, they had used the stage downstairs for the marketplace which was awesome. So many retro games for sale, awesome sellers and tidy tables filled with retro gaming goodness ^_^

Apart from games you could as usual also find a lot of retro gaming merchandise, artwork and crafts :)

Upstairs there was a large area decorated with various console demo kiosks and arcade machines that were set to free play. They also had a demo corner surrounding the small stage where the competitions were held. Unfortunately I didn’t have the energy to stick around all day (I’m over 7 months pregnant right now), so I missed all the competitions and the lectures that were being held :( It was all really nicely set up though, and well organised :)

Scattered around the place were small personal collections on display, like Final Fantasy and Game & Watch :)

I had a great time at Retrospelsfestivalen and I’m already looking forward to next years convention! It’s always great to get to meet all the friends I’ve gotten to know in the retro gaming world of Sweden ^_^ And of course I bought some cool stuff as well ;D I’ll make a post of that soon! Meanwhile, check out Geeky Gals post from the convention to read more about a cool game called Wünderling that was being showcased at Retrospelsmässan :D

Pixel K.A.F.E. in Malmö!

I visited Pixel K.A.F.E. for the first time on the day of the Sci-Fi World convention in Malmö last month. I’ve been wanting to visit it for quite some time, but it’s a bit far away for me so I haven’t been able to.. but it was just as good as I had imagined! If not better! :D Pixel K.A.F.E. is a restaurant / arcade where you can eat, have a coffee, play pinball, play arcades games, board games or even old retro games! The entire place is also decorated with wonderful retro gaming nostalgia :D …. and Darth Vader!


My favorite part is all the original arcade cabinets! Especially the Atari Tetris arcade :D (sooo pretty and I loooove Tetris!) There are no other places around here in Sweden where you can find arcade cabinets like this and just play ^_^ Pixel K.A.F.E also. has a wide variety of arcades! There’s the retro games, the blast city cabs, the beautiful Mega cabinet, the Time Crisis cabinet with guns and also racing :) It almost feels like I’m back in the 80’s and 90’s!

Pixel-K.A.F.E.---Arcade-cabinets Pixel-K.A.F.E.---Arcade Pixel-K.A.F.E.---Atari-Tetris-Arcade Pixel-K.A.F.E.---Blast-City-Arcades Pixel-K.A.F.E.---arcade-gamesPixel-K.A.F.E.--Xmen arcade

There’s not only arcades, but also a whole room filled with six different pinball machines! :D I tried some of them out and came to the conclusion that I’m not particularly good at pinball ;D I prefer video games ^__^


There are also old games and consoles on display all over the place! They’ve got an amazing Game & Watch collection and a bunch of other cool things to look at! Some stuff that I’ve never even seen! ;D

Pixel-K.A.F.E.---Games-on-Display Pixel-K.A.F.E.---Games Pixel-K.A.F.E.---Display Pixel-K.A.F.E.---tele-sportsPixel-K.A.F.E.---Game-&-Watch Pixel-K.A.F.E.---Nintendo-on-display

Apart from arcades you can also pick games you want to play on the TV’s, there’s 4 of them set up around the place with couches, it’s really cozy ^_^ Or you could go battle your friends in some classic pong games on the Odyssey 2001 :D

Pixel-K.A.F.E.---Retro-Gaming Pixel-K.A.F.E.---Odyssey-2001

Apart from all of this awesomeness they also serve THE BEST BURGER I HAVE EVER EATEN!! Seriously! I am being serious ^__^ I’m a vegetarian and they’ve got both meat, vegetarian and vegan food, and they’re burgers are to die for! ^_^ If you’re ever around Malmö in Sweden you have GOT TO check this place out :D

Sci-Fi World 2015 – Malmö

This saturday I went to Malmö to visit the Sci-Fi World convention! It felt a bit bigger than the last Sci-Fi World i attended in Helsingborg. The place was a lot bigger and they had vendors selling game and movie merchandise, cosplayers, celebrities signing autographs and doing Q&A, games setup to play, retro game retailers, fan-art and fiction and much more! Here’s some pictures from the day of things I found interesting ^_^

First up is a bunch of different cosplayers. There was a lot of Star Wars, all kinds of troopers, Stormtroopers, Scout troopers, Sandtroopers and also Jawas, Darth Maul, Vader, the Emperor and much more :) There was also some comic book character cosplay, and game characters. The last image of cosplayers here I’m not quite sure what characters they are, but they looked really cool ^__^

Sci-Fi World Malmö Cosplay  Jawa & SandtrooperSci-Fi World Malmö Cosplay Darth Maul
Sci-Fi World Malmö Cosplay emperor     Sci-Fi World Malmö Cosplay stormtrooper
Sci-Fi World Malmö Cosplay scout trooper
Sci-Fi World Malmö Cosplay starwarsSci-Fi World Malmö Cosplay stormtrooper 2Sci-Fi World Malmö cosplay umbrella corp
Sci-Fi World Malmö cosplay ?

There was so much awesome stuff for sale, everything from movies, anime, manga, games, clothing, toys, action figures and other merchandise. Here’s some pics of some of the cool stuff for sale :)
Sci-Fi World Malmö merch mortal combat
Sci-Fi World Malmö merch scorpion
Sci-Fi World Malmö merch3
Sci-Fi World Malmö art

This cap was my favorite! Too bad I don’t wear caps, otherwise I would have bought it and probably been rockin’ it right now! :D

Sci-Fi World Malmö merch
Sci-Fi World Malmö merch2

I think these old vintage toy figures are adorable and some are right out hilarious! Like this Tarzan figure! What’s that pose?! hahaha ^_^ It’s always really nice and nostalgic to walk around conventions like this, you get reminded of so many things, like Alf! Completely forgot about him ^^

Sci-Fi World Malmö merch tarzanSci-Fi World Malmö merch toys
Sci-Fi World Malmö merch hemanSci-Fi World Malmö merch alf
Sci-Fi World Malmö merch4
This Star Trek poster was 35 years old, and it says on the post-it note that it’s in “excellent condition” haha ^_^ Do you agree?

Sci-Fi World Malmö merch poster

One of my favorite vendors was of course Pappas Pärlor! He makes some really awesome bead art! I love the lamps and the paintings with fuse bead sprites in them ^_^ So well placed! I adore the Peach/Contra mash-up! The bear punch is hilarious :D And yes, I got that pretty Samus Aran lamp ;D It will fit nicely into my retro game room! ^_^ Go check out Johan on instagram @pappasparlor :)
Sci-Fi World Malmö Pappaspärlor Sci-Fi World Malmö Pappaspärlor mini Sci-Fi World Malmö Pappaspärlor lamps
Sci-Fi World Malmö Pappaspärlor metroidSci-Fi World Malmö Pappaspärlor beadart Sci-Fi World Malmö Pappaspärlor björn punch Sci-Fi World Malmö Pappaspärlor commando peach

Apart from merchandise and art there was also some retro games for sale!! :D Retro Play and Pixel K.A.F.E had stands with only retro video games ^_^ And there were some other vendors that had a bunch of Gamecube, PS2 and Xbox games :) I bought some retro games at Sci-Fi World, I will make another post soon with all my pickups! But here’s some pics of some of the stuff that was up for sale :D

Sci-Fi World Malmö retro games consoles Sci-Fi World Malmö retro games Game Boy Pocket Sci-Fi World Malmö retro games Gameboys Sci-Fi World Malmö retro games
Sci-Fi World Malmö games movies

You could also play games at Sci-Fi world! They had TV’s setup with everything from the NES to Wii U ^_^ They even had an NES Power Pad with Athletic World that you could try out :D
Sci-Fi World Malmö gaming game pad NES Sci-Fi World Malmö gaming SMB3 Sci-Fi World Malmö gaming tetris n64

No sci-fi convention is complete without props from actual sci-fi movies ;D Here’s the Alien hand from the Alien movie, the gun from Terminator 2 and Ewok hands! :D There was lots more, but these were things that I cared for ^_^
Sci-Fi World Malmö props Alien hand Sci-Fi World Malmö props terminator Sci-Fi World Malmö props Ewok hands

I also attended 2 Q&A’s for the first time! It was with Ray Park who played Darth Maul in Star Wars Episode One, he was really funny ^_^ The other guy was someone from Games of Thrones (which I’ve never seen..) so it wasn’t as special to me.. but I got a good shot, so maybe someone recognizes him ;D I’m really sad I missed the Q&A with Danny Glover :( But that took place the day after >_<
Sci-Fi World Malmö q&a

That’s all for now, I’ll be back soon with the pickup update ^_^

Retrospelsfestivalen 2014 – and how I got proposed to!!!!!

This weekend I went to Retrospelsfestivalen in Malmö. This was the first year they arranged for a retro gaming show in the south of Sweden. I was super excited to go there, and it’s less than an hour from where I live. I had been asking my boyfriend to please join me and keep me company since all of my friends couldn’t make it. He ditched me less than 24 hours before I was going there, made up an excuse that he had to clean his grandmothers attic with his mom… I was pissed and pretty sure he was just dodging it to go fishing instead >_<

I had been speaking to the organizers of Retrospelsfestivalen and they had asked me to help hand out the prizes after the Tetris tournament, I accepted and went up on stage around 3 pm. We handed out the prizes and then they interviewed me about my game collection for a while and after that they asked me to try out a new game. In the below video you can see the game while I’m playing it, and it’s being projected behind me for an audience of around 500 people…

At first I thought the game looked cool, was expecting some kind of action platformer, but after reading the first couple of mushy lines about love I was getting confused and thought the game was kind of lame ;D Until the story-telling stopped and it just said…


Then I certainly thought somebody was just pulling my leg, maybe the organizers had set me up to embarrass me a little bit. Then the question hit the screen:

Do you want to marry me?

Now I thought that some guy in the audience might have some crush on me and decided to try and propose! I never thought my boyfriend would have the imagination to surprise me with something so grand and also fitting to my interests. But indeed, he had a programmer make the game with him and he stepped out from behind the stage with flowers ^_^ I was chocked! …and I said yes :)

It’s not everyday you get proposed to through a video game ^_^ The game only had two options to choose from, play co-op or single player :D Check out the video below to see the whole thing:

After the proposal the organizers gave us a whole bunch of gifts that had been put together by some of the exhibitors and sellers at Retrospelsfestivalen. This was so nice! Thanks to all of the great people that made this day super special ^^ We got the Generation 64 book written by Spelpappan, a Swedish documentary about the NES from Videospelsklubben, a Zelda T-shirt, Tetris mug, Halo mega bloks set and a bunch of other merchandise ^_^

This was of course my highlight of Retrospelsfestivalen 2014 ;D But there were also lots of other great things! I did have time to buy some things before, and talk to people. They had a lot of sellers, but compared to Retrogathering they had a lot more “new” things, like plush toys, T-shirts and other merchandise from games. There were of course a lot of retro games being sold as well, and some people displaying home made retro games they had made. There were also loads of TV’s setup to play various retro consoles and a hallway for Pinball machines and arcade cabinets. On the stage they had competitions in Tetris, Super Mario Kart etc. In the finals of the Tetris competition the competitors had to first make their own controller using the Makey Makey! This was original ^_^ I also met Pappas Pärlor who make amazing bead art! Here’s some pictures from the event!

These last few pictures are from a game called Space Clutter. It’s a homebrew game that only exists in this one homemade little arcade cabinet. The funniest thing is the handwritten note that was displayed next to the game, it reads in Swedish: “Space Clutter, super hard space game! You will NEVER  be able to beat it!” so I just had to try it. It was difficult, but fun! :) The plot of the game is written underneath the shoot button and reads “Everybody in space hates you. Use the red button to kill them.

I will make another post soon with the games I bought at Retrospelsfestivalen :)

Retro Gaming October

I’m sorry for my lack of posts lately, but Destiny happened o_O

This coming October is going to be crazy though! Here in Sweden almost EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND has some kind of Retro Gaming or Gaming related show or convention! And I’m going to all of it ;D

Retro Gathering
First up is Retro Gathering in Västerås which I am visiting for the first time this year! Retro Gathering is a gathering for retro game enthusiasts and has been going on since 2006. You can buy retro games, play retro games and they are also hosting the Swedish Championships in Pong! I am attending that this year, I have never really played Pong competitively, only against the computer lol! So I’ll probably get my ass handed to me ;D

The second weekend is Retrospelsfestivalen in Malmö. This is the first year they are throwing a festival for retro gaming in the south of Sweden. I really hope this one will get a lot of visitors so that it comes back every year ^_^ Here they will have competitions, workshops and lectures about retro video games :)
During the same weekend, from the 11th-12th of October there is also the Play Expo in Manchester, UK. I wish they didn’t collide because then I would have visited both.. but Malmö is a bit closer for me ;D

Retro Games
On the 25th-26th of October there’s both a retro gaming show and a sci-fi convention on the same weekend. At Retro Games you can buy games and also play pinball, arcades and console games. This one takes place in Stockholm. Sci-Fi World is in Helsingborg and is a sci-fi, game and film convention. I’ve never visited this one before, but I might swing by one of the days :) Freddy Krueger, Jabba the Hut and a bunch of people from Game of Thrones will be there ^_^

Gamex used to be the largest gaming convention in Sweden, they have now joined forces with Comic Con. So there will be a joined Comic Con-Gamex convention in Stockholm between the 30th of October and the 2nd November. I’ll spend two days there ^_^

If anyone knows any other gaming related events taking place that I’ve missed feel free to comment :)