GAME ON 2.0 in Stockholm

Me & NinjaBrite went to visit one of our gaming girls in Stockholm and took the opportunity to visit the gaming exhibition Game On 2.0! This was awesome! And us girls had a blast ^_^

-becky-1 -heidi-1 -mona-1
NinjaBrite stopXwhispering x MissDeLuxe x

This gaming exhibition is held in the Technical Museum of Stockholm, so we made sure to visit a few other attractions there as well, like the distorted mirrors :D and the gift shop haha ^_^

2013-11-23 14.21.36-1

They had a lot of retro gaming stuff, both old arcades on display and a bunch of systems, some that are quite rare! Like the Sega Wondermega! There were over 100 games that could be played, it was a really nice setup ^_^ Unfortunately you could only visit for a limited time, since they had so many visitors a day that they had to make sure new people got to go in and see it as well. I think it was only about an hour or two before you had to leave :( But we had time to see most things and try a few things out ^_^

sega wondermega2
laserdisc   2013-11-23 13.32.27-1   2013-11-23 13.33.17-1
2013-11-23 13.34.34-1   game boy   metroid

They also had an impressive display of portable gaming consoles! :D
portables1   portables2   2013-11-23 13.48.16-1
portables3   portables4   portables5

There were also some original artwork for some games, straight from the studios that made them. Games like Tomb Rider, Donkey Kong, Super Mario, Dragon’s Lair, World of Warcraft etc..
Tomb Rider
Donkey Kong   Mario   Dragons Lair

And also there were some old game advertisments framed on the wall :)retro game ads
starwars   pacman   solar fox

The last room contained a bunch of original arcade cabinets! This was awesome ^_^ You could try out loads of things, both new and old, like Galaga, Pacman Plus, Donkey Kong, Tron, Mappy and lots more ^_^
Pacman plus arcade
2013-11-23 14.10.17-1   2013-11-23 14.15.34-1  2013-11-23 14.11.14-1
2013-11-23 14.13.26-1  2013-11-23 13.55.42-1  2013-11-23 14.18.33-1

The exhibition is there until the 27th of April 2014, so if anyone is in Stockholm I suggest you visit it!

OMFG SFC overload!!

In the last month A LOT of Super Famicom games have arrived in the mail… and I’m still waiting for more to arrive ;D

I’m super happy about Cotton 100%!! I paid around $160 USD for it, but it was complete even with a tiny music CD and in great condition ^_^ I’ll make another post about this game itself soon :)
SFC -Cotton100_

Doremi Fantasy!! I’m so happy to have it! And it’s an amazingly cute little platformer ^_^  I’ll make a post about this one too soon!
DoReMi Fantasy_

Dai Makaimura is awesome ^_^ the sequel to Makaimura which is also a great game! It’s quite different from the Sega Mega Drive game with the same name, I’ll make a comparison in a later post :)
Choh Makai Mura_

I looove Final Fight, so I just assumed Final Fight 2 would be just as good, and it was :D
Final Fight 2_

I also went and got Final Fight Guy, I haven’t tried it out yet, but from the looks of it I think it’s a fighting game and not a beat’em up  :( But at least there’s a mini CD in the box! :D
Final Fight Guy_

I had never heard of Dino Wars, but when people started bidding on it, I’m not the one that quits.. that just makes me want something even more ;D It’s a really fun platform game where you ride a dinosaur! :D
Dino Wars_

Hansei Zaru Jiro-kun no Daibouken, a very cute puzzle type platform game where you have to collect keys to enter the next stage. In the beginning I found it very childishly easy and didn’t think much of it, until it started getting quite tricky! :D
Hansei Zaru Jiro-kun no Daibouken_

Poi Poi Poitto!! Looks awesome!! And I bought it only for the cover, since I love puzzle games, but it’s actually not that fun.. shit keeps happening and I don’t understand why.. Like I’m about to win, and then WHAM shit just falls down without the opposing player even doing anything! It’s a game that doesn’t like winners >_<
Mahou Poipoi Poitto_

Super Gussun Oyoyo! This puzzle platformer is fun, but I prefer pure puzzle games… if I get stuck I give up >_< …. which I did ;D
Super Gussun Oyoyo_

Super Back to the Future Part II!! :D Check out my post about it here >>
SFC -Super Back to the Future Part II_

Ranma 1/2, I thought this was a fighting game and almost didn’t buy it at first. But at a second glance at the back I got super excited to find out it’s a PUZZLE GAME! :D So I had to get it ;D It’s really unique! In the beginning I didn’t get it, I tried to match colours and pictures on the blocks, until I realized that it’s a Janken game! (Rock Paper Scissors) So if you have a stack of stone hands you have to throw a paper hand on it for them to disappear :) It’s really tricky to try to beat the computer who is awesome.. but as a two player games it works great :D
Ranma Nibunnoichi_

Rockman X2! Rockman is always awesome ^_^ Now I have Rockman X, Rockman X2 and Rockman X3 :D still on the lookout for more Rockman games ^__^
Rockman X2_

Konami is my favorite game company <3 I’ve never really understood the Goemon games though, sometimes they’re a fun platformer and sometimes they’re just weird.. but this was the first one I tried for Super Famicom and it rocks! You run around beating ninjas with your stick and you can ride on a fish and much much more! :)
Goemon 2_

I also found Ganbare Goemon 3, so now I’m just looking for the first one as well ^__^ Fun platformers!
Ganbare Goemon 3_

Keeper was an interesting puzzle game and very cute ^_^ You run around in a square as a little keeper and you push blocks to match them, new blocks keep appearing though so you will easily get stuck and when the board is filled it’s game over.

SuperFamicomGuy recommended Thunder Spirits so I had to get it ^_^ and he was right, it’s a totally “belted” game ;D (did I use that correctly?)
Thunder Spirits_

Syvalion was another shooter I bought straight from Japan through the Mandarake shops online! I haven’t tried this one out yet, but I’m thinking it will be great ^____^

The Mickey Mouse games on the Famicom are just as great as the Sega Mega Drive ones :) I’m trying to catch them all ;D 
Mickey no Magical Adventure_

I’m not really that into fighting games, but I got these three in a lot on eBay and it can always be fun to have since a lot of my friends enjoy playing them ^_^
Street Fighter II-_  Street Fighter II Turbo_  Super Street Fighter II The New Challengers_

I also got curious about Sailor Moon, I heard there were a few really good ones, and I got confused when looking through them all on eBay.. so I just ended up buying them all ;D
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S Kondo ha Puzzle de Oshiokiyo!!_     Panicin Nakayoshi World_ Sailor Moon__     Sailor Moon Super S senin Sanka!! Jyuyaku Soutatsusen_ Sailor Moon S Jyuukai Rantou?! Jyuyaku Soutatsusen_     Sailor moon R_ Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon Super S Fuwa Fuwa Panic_      Sailor Moon Another Story_

And here’s even more new ones:
Asameshi Mae Nyanko_
    Little Master_    Magical Tarurutokun Magic Adventure_ Mahoujin Guruguru_    Mario to Wario_    Metal Max 2_ SFC -Chou Aniki_    Down the World Mervil's Ambition_    Battle Robot Retsuden_ Barbarossa_    Super Pon_    Bishin Densetsu Zoku_ SFC -Fire Emblem 3_    Spindizzy Worlds_    Power of the Hired_