Commodore 64 collection all scanned!

I’ve finally finished another library of games! Because of the hilarious and sometimes really pretty cover arts of the C64 cassettes I’ve focused on finishing this one first :) I’ve scanned every Commodore 64 game I have, a total of 144 games, well almost, when I just now finished I saw that I had missed about 10 games that probably had wondered off somewhere in the game room when I was scanning, but I’ll take care of those soon ;D

So check out all of the amazing cover arts of the C64 games I have here >>

Meanwhile, I would like to point out a few ones here that I am particularly fond of for various reasons ^_^Let’s start with Barbarian II!

Commodore C64 Barbarian II

I mean, just look at that actor they put in front of a camera! I don’t know if that look says “I will KILL you!” or “This is not what I had in mind…” XD

C64 - Trantor

Trantor The Last Storm Trooper! Seriously?! Storm Trooper?! There were so many games back then that did everything to relate to Star Wars because it was popular.. but this guy is DEFINITELY no Storm Trooper! XD Here’s some other examples of “wannabe-Star-Wars-games”:

Star Paws and Death Star!!!

C64 - Revenge of the Mutant Camels

You just gotta love everything from Llamasoft and Jeff Minter! XD Revenge of the Mutant Camels actually entails everything you see on the cover in the actual game!

Commodore C64 Voidrunner

Not to forget Voidrunner, also from Llamasoft, with a llama and a sheep in space suits! Brilliant :D

C64 - Hysteria

Hysteria.. yeah, that’s exactly what the cover screams! It’s hysterical!  ^_^

Commodore C64 Monkey Magic

Monkey Magic… are those supposed to be monkeys?? I love how one of them is just biting his thigh and he doesn’t even seem to care! XD

Commodore C64 Space Hunter

That’s EXACTLY how I pictured a Space Hunter….

C64 - Star Wars Droids

OK, this is Star Wars.. real Star Wars… you can see that it’s R2-D2 and C-3PO in the picture.. but what are those other two generic 80’s futuristic disco people doing in the background?! I do NOT remember those two from the movies…

Commodore C64 Strider 2

Strider 2! I love how everything had to be so over the top on the covers back in the day! He’s got a pony tail like Van Damme, a sword on his back, a laser gun in his hand while he’s flexing his other arm and jump-kicking some poor robot!! XD

Tetris back in the USSR

In one of my Tetris games for C64 there was this little form you could send in to win a special 4 day holiday for 2 people in Moscow!! “Tetris – the first word from Russia” hahaha XD

C64 - The Halls of the Things

The Halls of the Things… What things?!?!? Either they couldn’t figure out what they programmed was supposed to look like… or it’s a way to intrigue you to buy it, just to figure out what those damn “Things” actually are… I guess we will never know..

To check out all the scans of my Commodore 64 games, go to the Commodore 64 Collection ^_^ Also accessible from the menus :D

Sci-Fi World 2014!

The weekend before this last one I went to a sci-fi convention in Helsingborg called Sci-Fi World. This was the first time I ever went to a sci-fi convention, and apparently this year they had more visitors than ever before! :D There were loads of cool things to see and do :) They even had two tables selling retro video games! :D And loads of amazing cosplayers all over the place ^_^

The first thing I encountered was while waiting in line to enter, a Jason Voorhees cosplayer was just standing in a glade, staring at people. So awesomely creepy! :D
Sci-Fi World 2014 - Jason cosplay

Me and my friend NinjaBrite got our picture taken for charity with the emperor and guards ^_^
Sci-Fi World 2014 - Star Wars cosplay

The first thing I bought were two really awesome illustrations by a guy called Anders Larsson. They pictured Super Mario riding Yoshi and Pikachu ^_^
illustrations - super mario with yoshi and pikachu

Then I also found some retro games of course ^_^
2014-10-25 12.47.04
2014-10-25 12.47.00

There were two sellers there but both of them were quite pricey… I did however get a decent deal when buying a couple of games from one of them. I got 6 NES games: Adventures in the Magic Kingdom, The Hunt for Red October, Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge, High Speed, Addams Family and Wrestlemania Steel Cage. Nothing really exciting, but I didn’t previously have them at least ;D
nes games 1
nes games 2

I also picked up a game for Super Nintendo called King Arthur’s World, I’ve never played it before, but I do recall someone telling me it was good once.. so I bought it ^^
SNES King Arthur's World

There were LOADS of amazing cosplayers as well! :D Like these baby storm troopers and jawas! :D Adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Star Wars cosplay - storm trooper
Star Wars cosplay - jawas    Star Wars cosplay - jawas

There were loads of other Star Wars characters there as well :) 
Star Wars cosplay
Star Wars cosplay
Bobba Fett cosplay - star wars
Scout trooper cosplay - star wars

My friend NinjaBrite posing with the Silent Hill Nurse and some other guy I did not recognize (?). Damn that nurse is creepy though >-<
Silent Hill Nurse cosplay

And last but definitely not least! I found out that it was my friend Ulrik that was hiding behind this awesome home-made Predator cosplay costume! :D Here’s the Predator with NinjaBrite ^^
Predator cosplay

Ok, now I’m off to prepare for this last weekends re-cap! Namely, the awesome Gamex/Comic Con convention! IT WAS AMAZING! Stay tuned … ^_^