Retro Gathering L00t part I

It takes time going through, cleaning, testing and taking pictures of 105 games, a few consoles and other things.. that’s how much I came home with after this years Retro Gathering XD Anyway, let’s get to it! I mainly focused on cartridge based games this year, I found a whole bin full of cheap Atari 2600 games to start with ^_^ In the bottom were even some boxed ones :D I tried all these ones out tonight and some that stood out was Planeten Patrouilie and Sub Scan, these were fun and intuitive :) Fatal Run was also interesting, it had the most advanced tunes I’ve heard in an Atari 2600 game so far! Unfortunately it only played the music when you got Game Over XD Superman was probably one of the worst Atari 2600 games I’ve played.. I didn’t even understand what the hell I was supposed to do…

I found these two little handhelds that were super cute! I love how “Hero and Princess” is such a total rip-off from Donkey Kong Game & Watch, it’s even dual screen! XD And the gorilla looks totally derpy XD

I finally got myself the Zapper for Famicom! It’s so funny how this one actually looks just like a regular gun, while we had to have the “kids-version” XD

I managed to extend my Tetris collection a bit, but not with a game.. a music LP and an old ad! My friend Marcus sold it to me and he also had a few other cool EP’s with video game reference :) I also bought a cute Dreamcast game from him called PenPen ^_^

After getting to know a lot of other retro gamers online I tend to usually have some deals waiting for me once I meet up with these friends at a convention :) Anders was kind enough to sell me a Video Computer VC4000 game which I didn’t previously have. I just got into this system thanks to an old high school teacher that found this system in his attic XD I also met the guy behind on instagram who had a PCB with Hatris for me :D Can’t wait to try this one out, the arcade version must be so much better than the Famicom one ^_^

One of the things I bought from Zeela was this really cute little Pong clone called Las Vegas Super Color Teve-Spiel :D I tried it out tonight and it was fun, I didn’t see the colors though because apparently the TV was black and white XD I’ll try it with another TV next time… what I really liked about this Pong version is that the joysticks also go horizontally, so it actually resembles Tennis even more :) You can run back and forth and not only up and down XD It has SO MANY BUTTONS on it though! I had to read the instructions just to figure out what they were all for..

I also bought a bunch of games from Zeela, he has such good prices on old cassettes that it’s hard to resist XD So many pretty covers! I also got some extra memory for my VIC-20, which is probably the reason why I haven’t gotten more than half of the games to work on it so far XD He was also kind enough to dig out a few Jeff Minter games! Hell Gate and Gridrunner ^_^ I also picked up some Amiga games.

I also found a bunch of Videopac G7000 games that I was lacking ^_^ Some I bought from my new found retro gaming friend Jack :) Thanks for bringing them for me!

Some other things I found were a Case Boy that Söders Spel & Skivhandel thought would look great in my Castlevania collection because of the Castlevania screenshot on the box :D I also bought a reproduction of Trip World, mainly so I can play the game.. I’m probably never gonna spend that much money on the original.. I also got some cheap Famicom pirates, I thought they were quite funny since they read “4 in 1”, then “39 in 1” and finally “1000000000 in 1”!!! I’m skeptical to whether it actually contains that many XD Apart from this I picked up a bunch of other games, like Hao-Kun no Fushigi na Tabi for Famicom Disk System, Slider and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on Game Gear, Puzzle Figher II on Game Boy Advance, Cobra Command on NES, Puyo Puyo on N-Gage, a hombrew game called Photon for MSX a few other games and I also got two ZX Spectrum games for free ^_^

There’s not a lot of Japanese games at this Swedish convention, but I did manage to find a few. I found some cheap PC Engine games I didn’t already have, and also Super Darius which cost a bit more. I also bought some Japanese Sega Mega Drive games from my friend Karl ^_^ And I found some really nice Super Famicom games! :D Yoshi’s Cookie, Yoshi’s Island and Super Bomberman 3 which completed my Super Bomberman set ^_^

Now this wasn’t the entire loot.. I’m saving some of the best parts ;D I’ll be back soon with part II of the l00t!

Even more Tetris games… XD

I update my blog on a regular basis, that doesn’t always mean a new blog post though. I have so many collections and pages where I constantly scan and upload more games as I get them, but this time I thought I’d also make a new post announcing all the new things ^_^

I have had a bit of a Tetris obsession lately (as you may have noticed XD) and I’m now up to a whooping 86 video games with Tetris and 5 board games! Apart from that I have Tetris earrings, Tetris nailart, Tetris badges, Tetris leggings etc XD Hahaha ^_^ (it’s getting out of hand O_o)

Anyway, I’ve continued acquiring Tetris games like a maniac. Someone on Instagram told me about Tetris for the Tandy CPC. I of course had to get it, since it’s Tetris! Even though I don’t even own a Tandy CPC, let alone know what the heck it is XD I’m thinking it’s some old computer.. I’m just hoping I’ll bump into one eventually.. maybe on this falls Retro Gathering ^_^ It’s a funky looking game package though! I like it :)

I also found some really cheap Tetris knockoffs from China on eBay, I couldn’t resist since they were so cheap! They have 9999 games in 1, but it’s basically just falling blocks in different arranges, and they count the different speeds and levels as a “new game” XD I tried a few versions that were interesting though, like having the Tetris blocks fall from below and upwards instead, and having the board move one step to the side after you have placed a block. Total mindfuck! XD But a fun challenge :) The controls are surprisingly good on these “Brick Games”, but they’re super light and therefore feel kind of cheap, until you put batteries in them which basically makes it more than twice as heavy XD

I also got a PSP lookalike called POP Station! Haha! It just contains the same game as the Brick Games above though. No colour, just 9999 different versions of Tetris! It feels way shittier than the Brick Games, way more plastic and the buttons are not nice at all.. :/

My most appreciated new Tetris game is my Nintendo Tetris Game Watch that I got for my birthday ^_^ Such a beauty!!! I wear it everyday :) It both tells the time AND you can play Tetris on it :D The Tetris game is kind of hard since the board is much narrower than usual, so it builds up fast, it’s not easy waiting around for that long piece, you usually end up dying before it shows up XD

I found this PC game on eBay and I just thought the cover looked funky :) I don’t really play PC games, first of all I don’t even have a PC, I have a Mac XD And I certainly don’t have a PC containing Windows 98 so I can play these old CD ROMS, but I’m seriously considering getting one! (I also want to be able to re-visit Toon Struck) Just look at all those awesome Tetris clones that seem to be on this Tetris CD III game!! 1993TRIS, BALLTRIS, FINTRIS, HEXRIS, INFINITRIS, MACTRIS, PACTRIS, PCTRIS, PICTRIS, POLYTRIS, PSYCHTRIS, QUATRIS II, SIDETRIS, SITRIS, TEAMTRIS, TRISTIX, ULTRIS, UPTRIS, ZENTRIS, FOURTRIS 2, TETRIX, YATETRIS and… GELULES?!? and many more.. omg.. so much imagination in coming up with names for “Tetris” without infringing on the copyright XD hahaha! I wonder what they will be like…..

And then there’s some other various Tetris games for various systems that I’ve recently acquired, such as Tetris for Wonderswan, Magical Tetris Challenge for Game Boy Color, another copy of Welltris but for ZX Spectrum, Magical Tetris Challenge for PS1, Tetris Plus for PS1, THE Tetris (great name haha XD) for PS1, Sega Ages 2500 Tetris Collection on PS2, Tetris Worlds on PS2 and Tetris Ultimate for Playstation Vita.

I bet there’s still Tetris games out there that I’m lacking.. I am always keeping my eyes out for them ;D If you know of any Tetris games (hard copies, not digital games) that I don’t have in my Tetris collection, then please let me know ^_^

Retrospelsfestivalen 2015 – the loot!!!

This year’s retro gaming convention in Malmö (Retrospelsfestivalen) was awseome! I didn’t have much time to buy stuff though since me and my Geeky Gals spent most time hosting competitions and stuff on stage. It was a lot of fun though ^_^ And we got to meet so many cool people :D I did however get half an hour off at the end of the day where I did some speed-shopping for retro games! haha :D

So here’s what I found ^_^ Not bad for 30 minutes huh? ;D

Retrospelsfestivalen 2015 loot

I’m thrilled to have found a Neo Geo game I didn’t already have! Less thrilled to find out that it’s a fighting game (like every other game on that system >_<) instead of a platform game, like the previous Karnov games on NES for example.. but I got a fair price so I’m happy :) I have a lot of friends who enjoy fighting games, so I’ll pop it in my new cab ;D (I’ll tell you more about that in a later post..)

Karnov's Revenge - Neo Geo MVS

I was also happy to stumble upon some PC Engine games, they’re quite unheard of here in Sweden. But Japon carried a few titles ^_^ I got Gokurake Chuka Taisen on HU card :) I love the other games in this series so I hope this one will be as good, if not better ;D

Gokuraku Chuka Taisen - PC Engine

Apparently Rock n’ Roll Racing for SNES is supposed to be rad, haven’t tried it yet, but I’m looking forward to it ^_^ It’s NTSC, but now I have an NTSC SNES so I feel comfortable buying this region as well :)

Rock n' Roll Racing - Super Nintendo

I found these C64 carts that I jus thad to have, since they had such amazing artwork haha ^_^ I love how the guy on the cover of Saboteur is both jumping, kicking and shooting a gun at the same time, with such precision! hahaha :D

Hysteria & Saboteur! - C64

I also got some games for the Nokia N-Gage, a few weeks ago I bought two N-Gage systems so now I also have games for them ;D It’s Sonic and Crash Bandicoot, so hopefully they haven’t screwed that up..

From MXS I bought two handheld Game & Watch clones, one was called Hungry Elephant and the other one Sky Invaders. Unfortunately Sky Invaders didn’t have a hatch over the battery slot, and it didn’t seem to work when I held batteries in there :/ But I got them really cheap so I’m happy one of them worked :) I also bought a Tetris Jr. from Pixel, so cute! ^_^

I also found a Famicom pirate called Mechanized Attack II, I liked the cover and was curious of what was on it :) And I found a Game Boy game from Japanspel, I mainly bought this one for the ridiculous cover XD It’s called Tasmania Monogatari. Apart from this I found a cheap Sega Master System game I didn’t previously have.

I got some gifts from friends, like the Famicom matchbox from Pappas Pärlor and the mushroom and Sonic pin från Pixel K.A.F.E :) Thank you!! And I bought an amazing album that I have been listening to all week on Soundcloud from Professor Sakamoto! :D He performed at the festival and also at the after party ^_^ So talented and an amazing composer of chiptunes! At the bottom here I’ve embedded a few videos I filmed from his performances :) Go check him out!

Professor Sakamoto - Solar Soldier

Apart from all this my friend David showed up with all the ZX Spectrum games and other stuff I had bought from him earlier :) So I came home with 42 new Speccy games! (which I’m pretty sure is more than I paid for ;D) Thanks David! Apart from the Spectrum games I had bought a perfect case for storing Atari 2600 cartridges, or Famicom games :D But preferrably Atari 2600.. and a Neo Geo MVS game, Super Sidekicks 2. It’s football >_< but it was cheap :)

This year at Retrospelsfestivalen I also had a table where I sold off some doubles, I’m happy with how my table turned out ^_^ First time ever selling games!! It’s hard since I’m a hoarder by nature ;D hahaha! I set up a PC Engine with Coryoon so people could try out this awesome game ^_^ Unfortunately I didn’t sell too many of the japanese games, a lot of people don’t have the consoles for it here. Most people are into PAL NES and SNES.. :/ Also my fiancé was taking care of the table all day, and he is completely clueless when it comes to games! LOL!  I appreciate his support though, and people told me he was friendly ^_^

Here’s the videos from Professor Sakamoto’s performance at Retrospelsfestivalen 2015! Check them out! So much awesome!! :D



GAME ON 2.0 in Stockholm

Me & NinjaBrite went to visit one of our gaming girls in Stockholm and took the opportunity to visit the gaming exhibition Game On 2.0! This was awesome! And us girls had a blast ^_^

-becky-1 -heidi-1 -mona-1
NinjaBrite stopXwhispering x MissDeLuxe x

This gaming exhibition is held in the Technical Museum of Stockholm, so we made sure to visit a few other attractions there as well, like the distorted mirrors :D and the gift shop haha ^_^

2013-11-23 14.21.36-1

They had a lot of retro gaming stuff, both old arcades on display and a bunch of systems, some that are quite rare! Like the Sega Wondermega! There were over 100 games that could be played, it was a really nice setup ^_^ Unfortunately you could only visit for a limited time, since they had so many visitors a day that they had to make sure new people got to go in and see it as well. I think it was only about an hour or two before you had to leave :( But we had time to see most things and try a few things out ^_^

sega wondermega2
laserdisc   2013-11-23 13.32.27-1   2013-11-23 13.33.17-1
2013-11-23 13.34.34-1   game boy   metroid

They also had an impressive display of portable gaming consoles! :D
portables1   portables2   2013-11-23 13.48.16-1
portables3   portables4   portables5

There were also some original artwork for some games, straight from the studios that made them. Games like Tomb Rider, Donkey Kong, Super Mario, Dragon’s Lair, World of Warcraft etc..
Tomb Rider
Donkey Kong   Mario   Dragons Lair

And also there were some old game advertisments framed on the wall :)retro game ads
starwars   pacman   solar fox

The last room contained a bunch of original arcade cabinets! This was awesome ^_^ You could try out loads of things, both new and old, like Galaga, Pacman Plus, Donkey Kong, Tron, Mappy and lots more ^_^
Pacman plus arcade
2013-11-23 14.10.17-1   2013-11-23 14.15.34-1  2013-11-23 14.11.14-1
2013-11-23 14.13.26-1  2013-11-23 13.55.42-1  2013-11-23 14.18.33-1

The exhibition is there until the 27th of April 2014, so if anyone is in Stockholm I suggest you visit it!