Heidi & Becki battling it out in Garou Densetsu on Neo Geo!

The second video in our Neo Geo series is out! This time we’re playing some Garou Densetsu The Battle of Destiny (also known as Fatal Fury). Both Becki and myself are absolutely horrible at fighting games, and it’s definitely not really our cup of tea, but these types of games sure bring out the fighting spirit in you! Haha! We both tend to get extremely competitive….

Watch the video here:

I will get onto editing the final two games we played, Sengoku and Ghost Pilots soon :)

RSM loot part III – TEH Games!!

So  here’s the final part of my RSM loot! All the games!! :D Apart from the Atari Lynx games that I mentioned in the first post..

I got quite a lot of C64 games since these were cheap ^_^ Scramble Spirits, Pac-Mania and Cosmic Causeway were really pretty big boxes ^_^ Scramble is always fun! Pac-Mania looked like a cool 3D version of Pac-Man, I’m sure I have it for other systems already but it’s always fun to try out various ports ^_^ Never heard of Cosmic Causeway but I love the artwork! On the screenshots it kind of looks like some kind of Space Harrier game ^_^


I also found these 4 big boxes, I’m hoping this C64 JAWS is better than the NES version ;D Killer Ring looks to be some kind of shooter, Terry’s Adventure was just cheap and I loved the tacky James Bond montage on the 007 License to Kill cover ^_^


These C64 boxes were a bit different! Frost Byte and Kong Strikes Back were in soft plastic, the screenshots and artwork intrigued me ^_^ Creatures had a really pretty cover! It’s a paper box, and it looks like an amazing side-scrolling platform adventure ^_^


I also got Wibstars, Chuckie Egg (a classic that I actually didn’t have before), Herobotix and a Christmas Collection containing 6 games. Herobotix had such a cool name and an awesome robot on the cover! :D Had to get it ^_^ The Christmas Collection contained a game I’ve been wanting to try out for a long time now! I bought Exolon on Amiga 500 a while back and it never worked, the seller kept sending me new floppy disks but none would load :( So hopefully this cassette will and I’ll at least get to see what type of game it is! :D


I got a few PC Engine titles as well. There weren’t a lot of PC Engine stuff at RSM, but I did find these three titles that I didn’t previously have, pretty cheap ^_^ Master of Monsters, Ballistix and Babel.


I bought an expensive N64 title, Paper Mario! I have never played any of the Paper Mario games and everyone tells me they’re good. I’ve recently found out that they’re kind of RPG games as well.. which I don’t like >_< So I have no clue what I will think of it.. I guess I’ll just have to try it out and see for myself ^^


There were more japanese stuff at RSM, and I found some Sega Saturn games :D Pretty nice titles I think as well :) Vampire Hunter, Bubble Symphony & Saturn Bomberman Fight :D


Another system I got a few games for was Playstation 1. Both Puchi Carat and Parappa the Rapper were cheap :) I’ve actually never played Parappa the Rapper, I have a Playstation 2 version, but it was Japanese so I didn’t have a system to play it on until recently when I got a modded one. Haven’t gotten around to trying it yet though.. Now I will though ^_^


I’m extremely happy to have found a Neo Geo AES game that was affordable and NOT a fighting game!! :D I found this game called Puzzled ^_^ It’s quite fun and very challenging! It’s falling Tetris pieces that you need to put in place to remove the obstacles that is keeping your ship captured at the bottom. Once the ship is freed you clear the stage. I love puzzle game like this! :D It’s also in really nice condition ^_^

Neo-Geo-AES-Puzzled Neo-Geo-Puzzled-complete

I also found some NES games, there were LOADS of NES games for sale at RSM, but I didn’t dig too deep into all the piles. I found these two that I didn’t previously own and was curious to try out ^_^ Tom & Jerry and… Barbie! haha


Tom & Jerry was a fun platformer, kind of hard though. You could only take three hits and there were so many things that would hurt you >_<

Tom-&-Jerry-NES-screenshot-start  Tom-&-Jerry-NES-screenshot

Barbie had extremely stiff controls and animations. It was extremely simple and stupid haha ^_^ And it got difficult only because of the stiff controls..

NES-Barbie-screenshot-5 NES-Barbie-screenshot-4  NES-Barbie-screenshot-3 NES-Barbie-screenshot-1  NES-Barbie-screenshot-2

I also got a really cool looking NES game called Defenders of Dynatron City! I had never encountered this one before! :D And I got a pretty good deal from KCL to by this minty complete game ^_^ The cover art is amazing!! The game was also pretty cool, but the hit detection was extremely off, which made it frustrating in the long run >_<


You can choose from 3 various main characters, and while in game you can change between another three companions. There’s 6 characters in total, Jet Headstrong, Radium Dog and Ms. Megawatt are the three main ones, out of these I prefer Ms. Megawatt ’cause she has the best and fastest attack ^_^ The three other characters you can always choose from in game are Toolbox, Monkey Kid and Buzzsaw girl. It’s got a pretty cool setup, you have to clear all the streets of the map from robot enemies, once you’ve cleared a stage the shops open up, they’re also filled with enemies, but once killed you can get an item. The item is either a clue, money, food for health or some item you can use. Once all streets are clear you’ll find a boss, when killed he takes you to the next stage, which is inside a mall where you can use the money to buy more items ^_^ It’s got a lot of depth and nice graphics with a lot of various locations but falls short on the horrible hit-detection..

NES-Defenders-of-Dynatron-City-2 NES-Defenders-of-Dynatron-City-Ms--Megawatt  NES-Defenders-of-Dynatron-City-Radium-DogNES-Defenders-of-Dynatron-City-stage-1  NES-Defenders-of-Dynatron-City-in-hostpitalNES-Defenders-of-Dynatron-City-inside-store  NES-Defenders-of-Dynatron-City-ms-megawatt-inside-storeNES-Defenders-of-Dynatron-City-vs-dinasaourNES-Defenders-of-Dynatron-City-Toolbox  NES-Defenders-of-Dynatron-City-zeppelin-bossNES-Defenders-of-Dynatron-City-Ms-Buzzsaw

I only found one Famicom game that I didn’t already have. There wasn’t a lot of Famicom at RSM though. The one I found was Sanrio Carnival 2 with Hello Kitty ^_^ My friend Mattias also brought a Pachiottokun game for me which I didn’t have :) Thanks!

Famicom-Sanrio-Carnival-2-Pachiottokun 2

I found only one Sega Mega Drive game.. Granada, which is a japanese release. This was a cool tank shooter ^_^ I reached the first boss but he killed me >_<


SMD-Granada-screenshotSMD-Granada-screenshot-2  SMD-Granada-screenshot-game-over

And I got some Game Boy games, all japanese ones ^_^

Game-Boy-Games-2 Game-Boy-Games

Apart from all these games I got a few other goodies from various people or from the Asteroids competition I came in second place in ^_^


I’m extremely happy with this years RSM! Had a great time! Met loads of nice people, bought massive amounts of cool retro gaming stuff and had a blast! :D

SNK’s Neo Geo AES!!!

Those of you following my instagram might already have gotten a sneak-peak at my latest addition to my collection. This one is a huge one! :D My friend theSegaDude delivered once again and let me buy his SNK Neo Geo AES collection!! After he got himself the MVS arcade cabinet he didn’t feel he needed to keep the AES as well, and he was kind enough to offer me to buy it first :D Thank you Eric!!!!!!! I’m lucky to have such wonderful retro gaming friends ^___^

The Neo Geo AES came with two original arcade controllers and 30 games!! I’m stoked ^_^ Here’s what the system looks like:

Neo Geo AES console systemNeo Geo AES console  Neo Geo SNK Neo Geo Reset

The design looks just like I expected but it’s a little bit bigger than I thought, since I had the Neo Geo X gold limited edition system I thought that this one was an exact replica, but it’s in fact a bit smaller than the original AES :) Here’s what the arcade stick look like, they’re a bit worn but works perfectly ^_^ One of them even came in a box! :D

Neo Geo original Arcade stick

I haven’t gotten the time to try all of the games out yet, but I’ve tried a few. I’m working on a video of some that I played with my friend NinjaBrite the other day, the rest you will see whenever I’ve had the time to play them :) Meanwhile, here’s some pics of all the boxes :D There’s of course a lot of Fighting games which the Neo Geo is famous for, and that’s not really my thing but there are other games as well! ^_^ (To all of you fighting game fans I apologize, I won’t be putting any focus on these games right now since it’s just not my genre of choice, if there is however a fighting game below that you would want me to try out and write about then let me know) ;)

Neo Geo Game - Art of Fighting Ryuukonoken  Neo Geo Game - Art of Fighting Ryuukonoken 2
Neo Geo Game - Baseball Stars Professional  Neo Geo Game - Fatal Fury Garou Densetsu 2

Blue’s journey is a game I’m interested in trying! Since I love platform games this one might be right up my alley ^_^

Neo Geo Game - Blue's Journey

Cyber-Lip was the first game I tried out. I played it through with NinjaBrite, not once but TWO times! It’s kind of like Contra, except you can’t shoot diagonally >-< The only bad thing about it is basically that it’s a bit short, otherwise it’s a nice little sidescrolling action game with pretty cool cutscenes ^__^

Neo Geo Game - Cyber-LipNeo Geo Game - Fatal Fury Garou Densetsu Real Bout Special  Neo Geo Game - Fatal Fury Garou Densetsu Special
Neo Geo Game - Fatal Fury Garou Densetsu The Battle of Destiny Neo Geo Game - Fighter's History Dynamite

Crossed Swords is also a game I think I might enjoy, haven’t tried this one out yet though :)

Neo Geo Game - Crossed Swords

I have also played some Eightman in two player co-op mode with NinjaBrite, and this was a really great one! A bit hard though, and we didn’t manage to finish it.. you didn’t have unlimited continues which a lot of other Neo Geo AES games offer..

Neo Geo Game - EightmanNeo Geo Game - Fire Suplex  Neo Geo Game - King of the Monsters 2

We also tried out Ghost Pilots. The graphics were nice and it’s co-op, but it got extremely repetitive. You have unlimited continues so eventually you’re not even paying attention any more.. it got kind of boring..

Neo Geo Game - Ghost Pilots

I haven’t tried Magician Lord on the AES yet, but I’ve played it through on the Neo Geo X Gold, it’s a great sidescrolling adventure game :D Difficult, but the unlimited continues makes it easier ^^ There’s still so much variation in the stages and such that it keeps you going out of curiousity to see the ending :D I made a video about the ridiculous lines with voice-overs in this game, you can check out that video here on my youtube channel >>

Neo Geo Game - Magician LordNeo Geo game - Riding Hero  Neo Geo Game - Samurai Spirits

I’ve been told that NAM-1975 is a good one, I’m eager to try this one out ^__^

Neo Geo Game - Nam 1975

I’m also excited to try Ninja Combat ^_^

Neo Geo Game - Ninja CombatNeo Geo Game - Samurai Spirits something  Neo Geo Game - Samurai Spirits Zankuro Musouken

I have also played some Sengoku with NinjaBrite. Great co-op game, but really really odd! :D It reminded me of Shiten Myooh for the Sega Mega Drive, in the fact that you had several characters you could switch between, but they could die and then you would loose them. You also picked up orbs that you had no clue what they did ;D Just like in Shiten Myooh! haha Kind of trippy game, but I recommend it! :D

Neo Geo Game - SengokuNeo Geo game - Super Baseball 2020  Neo Geo Game - The King of Fighters 94
Neo Geo Game - The King of Fighters 95  Neo Geo Game - World Heroes

From this one, The Super Spy, I’m not sure what to expect, haven’t tried it out yet. It could be good, but it could also be bad ;D

Neo Geo Game - The Super SpyNeo Geo Game - World Heroes 2  Neo Geo Game - World Heroes Jet 2

That’s all for my Neo Geo update right now. I will return with more once I’ve gotten the time to play some more games ^__^ I’m extremely happy to finally have the AES, and a BIG THANK YOU goes out to Eric, theSegaDude :D


Neo Geo X Gold Limited Edition!

Guess what I bought myself this weekend! :D
Neo Geo X Gold Limited Edition black

A Neo Geo X Gold, limited edition!
Neo Geo X Gold Limited Edition Box front
Neo Geo X Gold Limited Edition Box back

It’s a portable handheld new release of SNK’s Neo Geo, containing 20 classic Neo Geo games! I’ve always wanted a Neo Geo, but it’s always been really expensive, especially the good games!! But now I finally have one which I can play the games on, and it’s so shiny and pretty ^_^
Neo Geo X Gold Limited Edition System

With this package I also got a Neo Geo Station that looks like the original Neo Geo AES console!
Neo Geo X Gold Limited Edition System Case

It opens up so that you can plug in the NeoGeo handheld and then connect it to the TV (you can also connect the handheld directly to the TV) through HDMI or RCA. However the only way to charge the handheld is through this docking station.

NeoGeo X Gold Limited Edition System Case Open
Neo Geo X Gold Limited Edition System Case Open plugin

There’s even a replica of the original controller, the arcade joystick! :D So you can get to experience the classic  way of Neo Geo gaming ^_^
Neo Geo X Gold Limited Edition Arcade Joystick

The interface is really stylish :)
Neo Geo X Gold Limited Edition Interface

And in the package I also got an extra game card (apart from the 20 built in games). A game called Ninja Masters ^_^
Neo Geo X Gold Limited Edition Ninja Masters

It is possible to plug in these game cards on the side of the handheld, I’m not sure whether they intend on releasing more games for it, that would be cool though ^_^ Tonight I finished my first game on the system, I will make a review of it tomorrow probably ;D